Brian wrote:Big thanks to jim and cec for a great weekend .
to answer giles question; phil and myself thought we would take an easy route up snowdon I can report an absolute scare fest of a saturday. check out the link below.
Shame about the lack of water -- still, sounds like a great weekend was had!
Crib Goch Brian? Bugger that! I've never done it but have done allegedly similar 'walks' and they scare the cr*p out of me!
Was there still something of a hole at the bottom of Serpents? If so, it goes if you charge it hard but punishes those who bimble in -- or don't use a long enough boat....
OK Guys
As the person who got most of the stick for Brain and Phil's scary experience, let me put this in perspective.
The high level Snowdon Horseshoe is a scramble and would not normally require any specialised equipment for experienced mountain walkers. In patchy ice, patchy snow, or windy conditions it is different, and would require mountaineering skills and to have at least a lighweight rope as a precaution. With continuous ice and snow , poor visibility and wind then it does become a serious proposition for mountaineers only who are both experienced and equipped ( and I don't mean just in the gonad department)
Yes it is exposed in parts (esp over Crib Goch), but the path is relatively easy to find. It is regarded as a continous scramble which does not require roping up unless the walkers are unused to the exposure.
If club members do want to walk this I will happily accompany them under most conditions.