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K1 Training

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:57 pm
by MalcolmB
Now that the weather has improved I would like to start getting club members out paddling the K1’s we have in the club.

I am planning to run sessions at Danson Park Lake on a Saturday from 10:30 hrs. to 12:30 hrs. on the following dates:
Saturday 27th April,
Monday 6th May, River Medway @ Tonbridge. Meet at 11:00 hrs. and we can paddle the Hastings 1066 Hasler course in preperation for the race on the 19th May.
Saturday 11th May,
Saturday 18th May,
Saturday 25th May,
Saturday 22nd June.
I will add more dates later.

The aim will be to get Club Members out paddling the K1’s and to improve their forward paddling, improving their balance and control in a K1 and to encourage members to enter competitions such as the Hasler races (A national ranking competition) and other races such as the Wey Hare & Hounds, the Eastern Region Winter Series or longer races such as the Avon Descent (The UK one).

There are videos showing efficient forward paddling on You Tube, (put in Kayak, Forward Paddling).

Forthcoming Hasler competitions are: (Region, Event, Date).
LSE, Wey Hasler, Guildford, 28th April.
LSE, Hastings 1066, River Medway, Tonbridge, 19th May.
LSE, Maidstone, River Medway, 2nd June.
LSE, Royal CC, River Thames, 9th June.
Eastern, Leighton Buzzard, 16th June.
LSE, Richmond, River Thames, 11th August.
LSE, Tonbridge, River Medway, 1st September. (New Date)


Re: K1 Training

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:14 am
by Brian
Hi Malkie
Can K2's come out to play as well ???????????

Re: K1 Training

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:54 pm
by MalcolmB
Yes - K2's can be used as well.

Re: K1 Training

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:23 am
Hi Malcolm,

I believe i have tried once last year sumner. i am up to try again. i can start this sat if u will be at lake.

can't wait


Re: K1 Training

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 2:21 pm
by MalcolmB
Fiona, I will not be down this Saturday as I will be doing a small race at Harefield.
But there is no reason you cannot paddle a K1 this Saturday.

Re: K1 Training

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 12:48 am
by MalcolmB
For club members that are considering taking part in the Hastings 1066 Hasler race at Tonbridge on Sunday 19th May, I am planning to paddle the course this Bank Holiday, Monday 6th May.
I am planning to be at Tonbridge car park (By the swimming Pool) at 11:00 hrs.
Anyone who wants to join me and paddle the course is welcome.

Re: K1 Training

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:27 pm
by MalcolmB
More K1 & K2 training.

I am proposing some more dates for K1 & K2 practice on Danson Park Lake. Start at 10:30 hrs. to 12:30 hrs.
Saturday 20th July,
Saturday 3rd August,
Saturday 10th August, (This date is TBC).
Saturday 31st August,
Saturday 7th September

Future races
Sunday 4th August - 17.4 mile Marathon, Allington to Tonbridge, River Medway, Tonbridge Canoe Club. (Information is on Tonbridge CC website).
Sunday 11th August - Hasler Race - Richmond Canoe Club, River Thames.
Sunday 1st September - Hasler Race - Tonbridge Canoe Club, River Medway. (Information is on Tonbridge CC website).

Re: K1 Training

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:40 pm
by Brian
thanks for the updates malcolm