Water Safety Work : Surrey Docks : 7th July
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:27 pm
An open water swim in Surrey Docks is in danger of cancellation because they cannot raise the required number of safety kayakers. They need another 6 to supplement the 2 existing ones.
The event would start at 11.00 (with watersafety team required approx. 1 hour earlier) It would finish by approx 16.30.
The pay per kayaker would be £100
I know that this date clashes with both the Danson Water Festival and the Hull International , so most of us (including me) will be committed elsewhere. However if you do fancy kayaking to help another sport, and to earn some money please let me know.
The minimum standard would be 2 Star (UKCC or BCU) preferably with Foundation Safety and Rescue. Let me know if you are interested and I will put you in touch with the organisers.
(0) 7703 823619 or via this forum
An open water swim in Surrey Docks is in danger of cancellation because they cannot raise the required number of safety kayakers. They need another 6 to supplement the 2 existing ones.
The event would start at 11.00 (with watersafety team required approx. 1 hour earlier) It would finish by approx 16.30.
The pay per kayaker would be £100
I know that this date clashes with both the Danson Water Festival and the Hull International , so most of us (including me) will be committed elsewhere. However if you do fancy kayaking to help another sport, and to earn some money please let me know.
The minimum standard would be 2 Star (UKCC or BCU) preferably with Foundation Safety and Rescue. Let me know if you are interested and I will put you in touch with the organisers.
(0) 7703 823619 or via this forum