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1 Star Assessment : Sat 25th October

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 5:40 pm
by andy g
For those of you who have recently attended Mark's starter courses, plus indeed any others, who are wanting to convert your experience into a qualification, I will be running a 1 Star Assessment at Danson Lake on Saturday 25th October.

You will have covered all the necessary skills and had experience of a river trip, so you should be ready to demonstrate your ability to us. For those of you who still wish to practice I am usually available at the pool session on a Wednesday evening.

We will provide boats and equipment you need , but you will need your own warm clothing for the water PLUS a COMPLETE change of clothes for later as this is guaranteed to a be wet session, with the last skill to be tested being a capsize and swim ashore.

The syllabus can be found here: ... llabus.pdf.

If you could give me some idea of numbers attending on the day that would be useful.

Andy (0) 7703 823 619 , or post here.

Re: 1 Star Assessment : Sat 25th October

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:30 pm
by andy g
Just as an addendum to the above:-

For club members (or those who join during October) there is no charge for assessment. For non-members there is a nominal charge of £5.

Those wishing to have an "official" BCU/Canoe England certificate there is an additional charge of £6 for BCU members , or £7 for non-members levied by the BCU.


Re: 1 Star Assessment : Sat 25th October

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:52 pm
by Polly
Hi Andy

I once had a 1* certificate but lost it so I'd like to come down so I can make it official again!


Re: 1 Star Assessment : Sat 25th October

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 9:59 am
by andy g
Some of you have contacted me via email so we certainly have enough paddlers for this assessment to go ahead on Saturday. The only proviso being the water quality, it is possible that the forecast rains will render the water quality at Danson lake too poor for capsize drills, in which case I plan to go ahead anyway , and cover capsize drills at a later date with you.

I posted an outdated syllabus , here is the latest one : ... 282%29.pdf
I will cover the theory side with handouts , but most of it is common sense anyway.

So far I have had the following express interest :

Stuart and Barbara,
Steve G,
Theresa , Niel and Louis
Sandrine and Lauren

Anyone else from the last 2 beginners courses is also welcome to join us.

Andy G ( 0) 7703 823619 or andy dot garlick <at> yahoo dot com

Re: 1 Star Assessment : Sat 25th October

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 8:22 am
by andy g
After a good session on Saturday congratulations on passing their 1 Star to the following:


They are now well set up to continue their progress towards 2*
