1 Star Assessment : Sat 25th October
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 5:40 pm
For those of you who have recently attended Mark's starter courses, plus indeed any others, who are wanting to convert your experience into a qualification, I will be running a 1 Star Assessment at Danson Lake on Saturday 25th October.
You will have covered all the necessary skills and had experience of a river trip, so you should be ready to demonstrate your ability to us. For those of you who still wish to practice I am usually available at the pool session on a Wednesday evening.
We will provide boats and equipment you need , but you will need your own warm clothing for the water PLUS a COMPLETE change of clothes for later as this is guaranteed to a be wet session, with the last skill to be tested being a capsize and swim ashore.
The syllabus can be found here: http://bcuna.com/PDF-Files/Syllabus/1-2 ... llabus.pdf.
If you could give me some idea of numbers attending on the day that would be useful.
Andy (0) 7703 823 619 , or post here.
For those of you who have recently attended Mark's starter courses, plus indeed any others, who are wanting to convert your experience into a qualification, I will be running a 1 Star Assessment at Danson Lake on Saturday 25th October.
You will have covered all the necessary skills and had experience of a river trip, so you should be ready to demonstrate your ability to us. For those of you who still wish to practice I am usually available at the pool session on a Wednesday evening.
We will provide boats and equipment you need , but you will need your own warm clothing for the water PLUS a COMPLETE change of clothes for later as this is guaranteed to a be wet session, with the last skill to be tested being a capsize and swim ashore.
The syllabus can be found here: http://bcuna.com/PDF-Files/Syllabus/1-2 ... llabus.pdf.
If you could give me some idea of numbers attending on the day that would be useful.
Andy (0) 7703 823 619 , or post here.