Photos for Christmas Party

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Photos for Christmas Party

Post by alison »

We are looking for any photos or movie clips that you have taken in the year 2012 during any of the Meridian trips, competitions, or events that you attended. This is for a montage of footage that we are putting together for the Christmas party and would like this to include as much of 2012 and as many of our members as we can. If you would be so kind as to put your photos onto a memory stick/disc and label where and when they were taken, this would be most helpful. Please hand your memory sticks to Cormac Rooney or Alison Preddy as soon as possible. Alison will be at the pool session on Wednesday’s and most Thursday evenings. Cormac is normally around on a Wednesday evening too. Alternatively please email so other arrangements can be made. All memory sticks or discs will be returned. Many thanks for your help and assistance with this, I look forward to gathering all the meridian memories this year.

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